Being Prepared For An IT Emergency Can Make Or Break Your Business. Are You Ready?
No matter the size of your business, an IT emergency is likely to happen to us all at some point. Having a plan set in place lays the foundation of being strategic and successful with your technology – and helping to get your business back up and running.
Put Your Plan In Writing
In that ‘office policies’ binder, keeping a tab labeled “IT Emergency” will give you a compiled list of what to do if you run into an IT emergency. This will help you and your staff stay organized and reduce stress in these situations. Having this list will help identify the technology you do have and how to take care of it for future references.
How Severe Is The IT Emergency?
The first step in an IT emergency is assessing the problem. Your plan of action starts with the source and the severity of your IT issue. What is wrong and why is it not working? Is it something you can fix on the spot or do you need to call your IT provider? Look at your equipment. Could it be something silly like the computer isn’t on because the cleaning lady unplugged the cord? The outlet needs to be reset? The wi-fi router needs to be rebooted? All examples of your technology not working, but can save you time and money by just analyzing your situation.

Sometimes, your IT emergency is more than clicking the power button on your computer and that is why Metrotech is here. Whether it is a server failure, viruses, ransomware, data center breakdown, or a natural disaster we can help with ease. Our solutions keep your business operating smoothly and our dedicated IT support staff is on hand to monitor your systems and take care of your business technology when it needs it most. Your systems are monitored 24/7/365 and our staff is on call to handle any issues that come up during that time, so your business experiences little to no down time.
Protect Against An IT Emergency. Choose MetroTech.
We choose to build a different kind of company that makes it easy for you. In the case of any IT emergency, our support technicians are on top of it! We immediately start the repair process, reducing system down time and will get your business up and running in no time. Contact us for a free consultation and learn how MetroTech can make your business technology secure (727) 230-0332.