Cyber Security Services | Tampa Bay FL

Digital Security That Protects Your Company’s Most Important Asset – Your Data

Statistics of cyber crime and data breaches are growing daily. Computer viruses, ransomware, spyware and identity theft have become commonplace events in our digital society. As a small business owner, it has become ever more important to find cost effective ways to strengthen your company’s computer security practices in order to keep your network safe from hackers. Even the smallest data breach can bring your business to a halt.

According to digital security firm Varonis, only 5% of company data is adequately protected against cyber criminals, and many businesses don’t even know they’ve been attacked.

At MetroTech, our team of computer security experts will lock down and protect your business network from cyber criminals. We will work to monitor your network and continue to implement new software protections and develop a series of security systems that are specifically tailored to your business.

Metrotech Computer Security

We Make Sure Your Network Is Protected

At MetroTech IT, our services are tailored to meet the needs of all business sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. We believe your first step in computer security is having a Best Practices strategy in place for your business technology. We believe that every company, no matter what size, needs to have someone that is involved with the company’s computer security.

At MetroTech, we can step in as that person. As your dedicated corporate IT professional, we will take an interest in your company’s equipment, be aware of the history of each piece of equipment, firmware and operating systems updates. We will familiarize ourselves with and help educate the staff about proper corporate use of the company’s computer system.

Here Are A Few Examples Of The Education We Can Help Provide Your Staff:

  • The damage that can occur from opening emails that come from unknown or suspicious email addresses
  • Security leaks that can occur from employees charging their cell phones by plugging its USB into the company’s computers
  • The dangers of using of a personal thumb drive on a company computer

Block hackers ✓ Prevent theft.
Protect Your Company’s Data
Business grade security. GET A FREE SESSION WITH US

When you have MetroTech IT on your team, we get to know your equipment. We evaluate your current systems’ security protocol from the internet inward to your on site server management practices. Our experienced technicians will discuss with you any concern we may have about your current computer system’s security and make the approximate recommendations.

MetroTech’s primary belief is that your best defenses against a possible hack is a quality firewall. We will evaluate your existing firewall and will make recommendations when necessary. We will organize the updates for your operating system so you stay current, preventing additional paths into your system. We will monitor and maintain your server and network systems in a proactive approach to securing your equipment. We will work directly with your staff liaison on current security concerns, when security notices arise, questions or concerns about your system and also when purchasing new software, and how it all effects the security of your corporate data.

Why Is Computer Security Important For A Company?

Simply put computers today are directly connected and continuously communicating with the internet. When your computer is not secure you can leak financial details, private documents and other sensitive materials without even being aware. If you operate a business, you may be in violation of one or more compliance requirements for your industry. Your insurance company may not cover if you are proven negligent.

How Computer Security From MetroTech Works?

Computer security is multi-faceted. It requires continual maintenance, proper protection software and hardware. It requires good staff training and awareness. At MetroTech Managed IT Services, our cyber crime protection program offers you the following:

  • Real Time Reporting – Get up to date information on your company’s internet usage.
  • Strong Filters – Block unwanted and questionable websites from your business network.
  • Reliable Service – Predictable full security service and support from MetroTech.
  • Secure Barrier – Viruses and intruders are kept out of your network.
  • Protected WiFi – Employees can safely use mobile devices on your wireless network throughout your location.

Are You Prepared If Your Company Has A Computer Breach Or Is Infected With Ransomware?

This is a question every business owner, manager or executive should ask themselves. To start with, they need to:

  1. Review what existing steps you have in place.
  2. Routinely check your back-up:
  3. Is your scheduled back-up current?
  4. Is you back-up including new files during its backup routine?
  5. Are you sending a copy to an additional or remote location?
  6. Test that you can restore from your back-up copies.
  7. Has your company performed and kept current your virus protection?
  8. Has your company kept your operating system up to date?
  9. It might be time to determine if your company can handle your computer security in-house or hire an outside IT company to monitor your systems to help prevent a computer breach?

Call MetroTech Managed IT Services For All Your Computer Security Needs

You’ve spent years building your company from the ground up. Let MetroTech help you keep growing by ensuring your data is protected. Making sure your company is ready for the challenges that come along with running a business in a connected society is an important step to making sure your company data and equipment are safe. MetroTech can help bridge the gap in your computer security. Call us today to schedule a free security analysis of your business at (727) 230-0332 or contact us on our website here.

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